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Contractor Growth Network

May 31, 2021

On this episode Logan is joined by Brain Kaskavalciyan, author of the 7 Secrets To Becoming A Wealthy Contractor to talk about the first two secrets in Brian's book. 


Welcome to Contractor Growth Network. CGN is your #1 source for marketing and sales...

May 28, 2021

Lumber prices have now officially skyrocketed to an all-time high. How do you keep selling work when your material cost is through the roof? Today we'll give you everything you need to handle lumber prices for contracting work so that you never have to worry about material cost ever again.

Welcome to Contractor Growth...

May 27, 2021

On this episode Logan and Chris talk about how your morning can either make or break your day

Welcome to Contractor Growth Network. CGN is your #1 source for marketing and sales tips, marketing advice, and sales tactics for contractors. We understand that running a contracting business is tough, Contractor...

May 26, 2021

On this episode Logan and Chris talk about the concept of macro patience, micro speed. 

Welcome to Contractor Growth Network. CGN is your #1 source for marketing and sales tips, marketing advice, and sales tactics for contractors. We understand that running a contracting business is tough, Contractor Growth Network is...

May 25, 2021

On this episode Logan and Chris talk about the story behind Logan's gold chain

Welcome to Contractor Growth Network. CGN is your #1 source for marketing and sales tips, marketing advice, and sales tactics for contractors. We understand that running a contracting business is tough, Contractor Growth Network is here to...