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Contractor Growth Network

Feb 24, 2020

As times are constantly changing, it has become more and more important to adapt to the constantly changing industry as a contractor. For a contractor starting out now, this is all they know, but if you’ve been around the game for a while, there are some big adjustments. Today, Logan is sitting down with a client, Todd Tribble, who has run a very legit painting company in Ann Arbor, Michigan for over 20 years. Todd is here to talk all things about his business, from sales and marketing all the way to his ability to continuously stick and move. Stay agile and willing to change or your business will be left in the dust!

In this episode, we talk about…

  • Who is Todd Tribble and how he got here
  • What drew Todd to the painting industry
  • Learning to stay successful by staying in your specific lane
  • Defining traction as a systematic management system
  • Using a metric to hold everybody in the company accountable to
  • Empowering employees by giving them control of their day-to-day
  • Keeping up with the constantly changing world of technology
  • Breaking out of the “referrals only” mindset
  • The hardest technological challenges to overcome
  • Getting a big team to buy into the utilization of video for marketing
  • Hiring selectively and instilling the company’s core values
  • Making a choice about the future of the company with video marketing
  • Deciding what to do when there is money left over

Links to resources:

Full Sail Marketing Giveaway

Full Sail Marketing Facebook

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