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Contractor Growth Network

Feb 25, 2021

Being able to quickly build trust with a buyer is a skill contractors need to have in order to close more sales. Each situation is different, but there are some strategies to keep in mind when you’re looking to establish trust with a customer.


In this episode, we talk about…

  • How there are two factors that need to...

Feb 23, 2021

We all know the taboo subjects to steer clear of with strangers are sex, money, religion, and politics. But as a business owner, you have to unlearn the habit of being afraid to talk about one of these taboo subjects: money. Being able to communicate price to potential buyers is incredibly important.


In this episode,...

Feb 22, 2021

If you enjoyed Part 1 of Logan, Chris, and Brad’s recent Miami fireside chat, get ready, because we’ve got Part 2 for you today! In Part 2, the guys are digging deeper into those mindset shifts you need to make to level up. So pour yourself a beverage, settle somewhere comfy, and listen up, because this is a long...

Feb 18, 2021

Picture a greasy-spoon diner. They have any food you could want for cheap -but it isn’t fresh, or particularly good. No one goes to a greasy-spoon diner when they want quality food. It’s the same thing with your contracting business. If you cast a wide net and try to do it all, you’ll only ever be able to charge...

Feb 16, 2021

Did you know there’s something most contractors do when advertising themselves that they shouldn’t? Many contractors say things like, “we do it all” or use vague terms like “high-end” without further specificity -but this is a big mistake. You have to be extremely specific and clear about what services you...